Welcome to East Coast Neurofeedback Services, LLC

Unlocking Potential Through Brain Training

What conditions does Neurofeedback help with?

​​​​ Neurofeedback can treat a variety of issues. Such as mental health issues, psychiatric disorders, behavior issues and developmental delays. Neurofeedback adds a clinical edge to traditional therapies and is becoming more recognized and utilized for mental health issues.  Its foundations originated in neuroscience as well as data based clinical practices. Neurofeedback involves no negative side affects such as medication based treatments. Research has demonstrated that neurofeedback has been successfully used to treat a myriad of issues including but not limited to: headaches, sleep issues, anxiety, ADHD, autism, substance abuse, pain disorders, menstruation issues, memory issues, early dementia  and TBI's. Our goal is to help you understand your brain better and to help you achieve your best self.

How does Neurofeedback work?

Our neurofeedback equipment is Infraslow EEG software. Which is a special device that provides instant feedback when a desired mental state is achieved during training. This EEG neurofeedback is a comprehensive system that works directly with the brain. We all have countless numbers of neurons in the cerebrum. Brain waves are associated with electrical activation and deactivation of pyramidal neurons which cycle up and down, over and over. The feedback is given at precisely the time when the cycle of the brain waves moves into a desireable pattern.  During training sensors are placed on the scalp (no current is imputed through these sensors) in various locations targeting specific areas of the brain that are associated with chief symptoms. The sensors are connected to sensitive electronics and computer software that read, amplify and record brain activity waves. The feedback that is given is instantaneously in the form of auditory tones indicating whether the trainee's brain activity is within a designated range. Since the feedback is happening instantaneously your brain will repeat that pattern that produces the reward (tones) if the brain repeats it enough it learns the pattern and the changes to the brain become long lasting. After several sessions the brain cooperates with the reinforcement (sessions). Gradually most clients learn to pay attention for longer periods of time and have a heightened awareness of mental drifting. This method of neurofeedback changes the brains patterns and are associated with positive changes emotionally, physically and cognitively.

 ISF training : Bipolar: In ISF bipolar training, the ‘frequency’ is reinforced differently from traditional neurofeedback. Training of the ISF band is done by providing feedback as a mirror of the ISF wave form. It is likened to a room full of tuning forks concurrently starting to vibrate when one tuning fork is struck. Equivalently, the nervous system (then the ANS is affected) attempts to harmonize with the movement of the ISF range reflected in the audible tone the client hears from the speakers. By training that ‘organizing rhythm’ we support the client in regulating their autonomic responses through the ANS which produce the physiological changes associated with ISF training.

More about Neurofeedback....

Neurofeedback is often called EEG biofeedback, also known as brain wave training. Which is a type of biofeedback in which individuals are trained to improve their brain functioning. Neurofeedback has been practiced for over four decades. With hundreds of thousands of individuals and families benefiting from this established, effective, powerful and proven intervention for various mental health and neurological conditions. Neurofeedback training is different from other types of biofeedback as its main purpose is to affect the central nervous system and the brain.  

What type of Neurofeedback do you use?

Why is Bipolar Infraslow Neurofeedback Different Than Other Neurofeedback?
The distinctive impact of ISF neurofeedback resides in training of the -“ISF band”- which is below 1 Hertz. This is where physiological changes and regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) occur. Because those are the functions that are coordinated by that (ISF) band. ISF is considered an organizing rhythm that promotes fluid and timely brain function. Through this signal training we help clients in their ability to globally regulate their systems.

This training below 1 hertz of the very low frequencies was originally overlooked by early researchers and clinicians as they designated it as ‘noise.’ However as interest in these frequencies grew, progress was slow because special equipment was necessary to render these low frequencies effectively was not available and needed to be created.

Additional Resources

C.B. Rochester, NH

Before I began Neurofeedback, I suffered for years from often debilitating symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD. Since beginning Neurofeedback training the worst of my symptoms have disappeared! I have been able to cease taking psychotropic medication. And am now in a stable place, where I never pictured myself arriving at, thanks to an effective combination of Neurofeedback and maintenance psychotherapy. Neurofeedback has helped me to the extent I decided to bring my children for sessions to support their mental health needs and they have also benefited from this treatment. I am grateful to Sarah and very happy I gave this a chance because I feel like my mental health issues no longer impede my ability to flourish and thrive.

Jane, NH

Neurofeedback has been a game changer for my migraines and sleep. In the past I would get a migraine several times a month to the point of vomiting from the pain. Almost immediately I noticed that my migraines lessened in intensity and duration. After some time in treatment I barely ever get a headache anymore. My sleep has never been so deep and rejuvenating. I am so grateful I found this life changing treatment and I stuck with it. I can't think of a better investment that I have made in my health.

T.T. Portsmouth, NH

I started seeing Sarah for PTSD and moodiness. After a few weeks my moods were becoming more stable like my fuse was longer, and I was not becoming irritated so easily by work and my kids. My flashbacks of my traumatic experience have become almost completely eliminated. My moods have been greatly improved since I started neurofeedfeedback. I no longer dread work or triggering situations. Plus my wife says I am calmer and more patient. Thank you Sarah for the work that you do!

Melissa, NH

MAKE THE INVESTMENT! I am not one to favor medication, but my son was 8 years old and fully out of control. He was diagnosed with Autism and was highly destructive and aggressive to the point he was removed from public school and sent to placement. He had no impulse control or control over his body in space, making learning impossible and I was running on years of little to no sleep. I was tired and ready to cave to med trials when Neurofeedback was encouraged by someone in his school circle. I thought "well I will try it for a little while and see if it helps then stop when it does.” He began with 2x a week due to the severity of his situation. It took time, but over this time, I saw and celebrated all the small changes. It began with a reduction in his aggression first and foremost. Then over time, the destruction reduced and finally stopped. He was able to reduce to 1 session a week and around then began to learn to read and write and communicate his feelings verbally more. He is now 14, yes, 14 and he goes to feedback 2x a month to maintain his connections. My younger son began struggling with his ASD and severe hypervigilant anxiety during his 4th grade year. I immediately talked to Sarah about getting him started. He was being accommodated immensely by his amazing 4th-grade teacher and fell to pieces in 5th grade. He was disrupting the class and getting into fights on the playground due to his inability to take perspective. He would often say he wanted to die. He began with sessions 1x a week and just like my older son, he too began to make phenomenal changes. He is about to enter 7th grade and I am proud to say that he had limited struggles in his 6th grade year. Sarah at East Coast Neurofeedback has been a lifesaver for my boys. When the original location was closed, she was able to open this new location and keep my kids scheduled, allowing them to continue with this much-needed service. I am so very grateful for this therapy because my boys are functioning well and growing in many ways. My oldest son flew an airplane last month; something I NEVER imagined him being able to do. My youngest has friends and is in a basketball camp this week where I was able to drop him off with typical peers and not get a call 10 minutes in to get him. This has been the very best gift I could give to my boys; the give of growth and functioning without medication. Due to this therapy, they are thriving and learning and will be okay.

Mike, Exeter, NH

I have been coming to neurofeedback for quite some time for my depression. I am a strong believer in the service provided. Without fail I am at peace and have a deeper sense of calm and alleviated depression. I highly recommend this in this day and age.

Treatment Room

Treatment Room


  • Dover, New Hampshire, United States
  • 15 Mechanic St. Suite 115, Unit 1
 East Coast Neurofeedback Services was established in 2023 by founder Sarah Poole, MS. Sarah began working in the Neurofeedback field in 2020. She continued to work through the pandamic as an essential business at McGarty and Associates. Her former employeer but continued mentor is Raymond McGarty. Whom she worked for from 2020 until he officially retired from Neurofeedback in 2023.

Sarah is currently working towards her MLADC and expects to be licensed in 2024. As well as BCIA creditialing. Her experience includes drug and alcohol counseling, child and family counseling, case management, and counseling. She received her masters degree in clinical mental health counseling from New England College in 2018. She also is a licensed massage therapist.

Sarah believes in a holistic approach to healing and wellness.